1Study on the utilization of rice straw by growing bulls supplemented with agricultural by-product available in Myanmar. (Mar Mar Kyi, M.V.Sc Thesis, 1993)
2Effects of sunflower seed cake and cotton seed cake fed with untreated and urea-treated rice straw for growing bulls. (Yan Naing Soe, M.V.Sc , Thesis .2001)
3The study of laying performance and physiological values following vitamin C loading in pullets. (Moe Thida Htun, M.V.Sc, 2001).
4Studies on the physiological responses of growing bulls fed on urea-treated rice straw with untreated or heat-treated sesame meal and two rates of chickpea husk. (Khin San Mu , M.V.Sc Thesis, 2001)
5Effect of combination of untreated or heat treated sesame and two rates of chick pea husk supplemented to urea-treated rice straw for grown up bulls (Aung Aung, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2001)
6Study on the growth performance and biochemical response of Rhode Island Red cockerels to three different levels of dietary protein. (Khin Myat New, M.V.Sc. Thesis, 2001)
7Effect of feeding tree forages as partial replacement of concentrates in rice straw based diet of goats on voluntary feed intake, digestibility and nitrogen balance. (Lwin Naing Oo, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2002)
8The effect of feeding tree forages as partial replacement of concentrates in rice straw based diet in goats on feed intake and physiological responses. (Met Aung, M.V.Sc. Thesis, 2002)
9The effects of supplementation with leucaena leaf and urea-molasses multinutrient blocks in rice straw based diet of goat on their voluntary feed intake, and digestibility, (Moe Moe Khaing, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2003)
10Khin Htay Myint
11The effect of legume residues on intake, digestibility, nitrogen utilization and in situ straw degradation as supplements to rice straw fed to goat (Tin Maung Soe M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2006)
12The digestibility, nitrogen utilization, and milk yield of cross-bred Holstein Friesian lactating cows fed on the ration recommended by National Reasearch Council. (Sein Maung Maung, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2008)
13The effects of malasse and starch as additive on silage making process of leucaena, maize and grass. (Zaw Lin, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2008)
14Effect of synchronization of protein and energy on fibre digestibility in the rumen of fistulated bull fed on rice straw supplemented with sunflower seed cake and cotton seed cake. (Aye Min New, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2008)
15Study on the nutritive values and in vitro gas production of straw-mushroom spent rice straw and Trichoderma-treated rice straw. (Htun Min, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2008)
16The effects of brewers spent grains and pine apple peels as additive on silage making process of rice straw, grass and groundnut fodder. (Naw Re Say Ber, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2009)
17Study on the seasonal effect on nutritive value of tree foliages in Yangon, Meikhtila and Kalaw through in vitro gas production. (Mon Mon Soe, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2009)
18Efficient utilization of urea-treated rice straw supplemented with concentrate containing tamarind seed fed to cross-bred Holstein Friesian lactating cow. (Myo Min, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2009)
19Study on the effect of leucaena tannin on in situ protein degradation of different sources of concentrates in fistulated bull. (Swe Swe Win, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2010)
20Study on the effect of silage making on the content of tannin and mimisine in Leucaena leucocephala. (Wink Phyo Thu, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2010)
21efffcest of concentrate supplements on the digestibility and nitrogen retention of captive elephant fed on conventional diet in Myanmar. (Tin Tun Aung, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2010)
22Comparison of Trichoderma-treated rice straw with urea-treated rice straw fed to lactating cows on the digestibility, nitrogen retention and milk yield. (Aung San Win, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2010)
23The study of the digestibility and nitrogen retention of female mithun at the different ages fed on locally available feed in Chin state of Myanmar. (Mai Li Ling, M.V.Sc . Thesis, 2011)
24Effect of partial replacement of leucaena forage and leucaena silage on digestibility, nitrogen utilization, milk yield in lactating cows fed on urea-treated rice straw based diet. (Myo Khaing, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2012)
25Study on the effect of leucaena tannin on in situ protein degradation of heat-treated different concentrate in the rumen of fistulated bull. (Thanda Aye, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2012)
26Effect of partial replacement of Albizia saman pods on the digestibility, nitrogen utilization, milk yield in cross-bred Holstein Frieshian lactating cows. (Min Aung, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2012)
27Study on the effect of urea-treated groundnut residue and sesame residue on digestibility and nitrogen utilization in sheep. (Yadana Lwin, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2012)
28Study on the protein degradation of heat-treated maize grain soaked in urea solution with different moisture content. (Soe Min Thein, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2012)
29The study of the different bean husks as the source of easily digestible fibre on in situ degradation and in vitro gas production of rice straw, urea-treated rice straw and grass. (Kyaw Min Htay, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2012)
30The effect of maize as additive on silage making process of leucaena and gliricidia. (Pyae Phyo Aung, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2013)
31Effects of the partial replacement of Albizia saman pod for concentrates on energy protein synchronization of diets and in situprotein degradation of different concentrates. (Kyaw Yan Nain Htun, M.V.Sc Thesis, 2013)
32Study on the relationship of ruminal protein and carbohydrate to fobre digestion and milk production in cross-bred Holstein Friesian lactating cows fed on rice straw based diet. (Tin Maung Soe, Ph.d Thesis, 2010)
33Study on the development and isolation of leucaena mimosine degrading bacteria in the rumen of sheep. (Moe Thida Htun,Ph.d Thesis, 2012)