About Our Department

Abous Us

Our department is responsible for teaching Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry to 2nd and 3rd DVM and, 2nd BASc students. These two subjects are basic for the core subjects of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. These two subjects are as foundation for other subjects and linked with other subjects. If someone cannot understand normal functions and processes, it is impossible to know abnormal functions and conditions. Therefore, Physiology and Biochemistry give the basic concepts and advanced concepts for both Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science. As Department norms, the seniors always train new generations. From Dr. Maung Maung Sa to till now, we continuously train junior staff to become well qualified persons in teaching, research and development. As the Department is working closely with IAEA, there is a good laboratory for nutritional physiology and biochemistry. Moreover, some molecular based research can be conducted in our laboratory. Currently one Ph.D candidate, 9 MVSc candidate and one MVM candidate are doing their research in our Department. This Department is most productive for postgraduates in University of Veterinary Science. We have produce 2 M.Phil, 70 M.V.Sc and 10 Ph.D. in collaboration with INGOs and international universities, we are also helping to postgraduate student with partial financial support and technical knowledge in their research works. Our researches are also published both nationally and internationally (See in list of publication).

Welcome Message

Our goal in doing research is to make people happy. We bring happy to them through the production of food of animal origin and management of animal health that impact on human health as well. We involve in the issue of climate change and global warming that have had a critical impact on food production environments. Now it is time to solve those problems together.

With the research and education programme of Department of Physiology and Biochemistry, we are committed to make people happy through the resolution of global issues on food, health and the environment as a part. We also welcome to everyone to work together for the contribution to the animal welfare and sustainable prosperity of human being.

About Image

65 Years
10 Lecturers
92 Enrollment
82 Graduates