International Publication

1Aung Aung, Tin Ngwe, Udo ter Meulen , F Gessler and Helge Bohnel (2006). Control of leucaena Toxicosis in Myanmar Sheep using IBT – Goettinger bioreactor grown mimosine degrading ruminal Klebsiella spp. In: Proceedings of conference on international agricultural research for development. University of Bonn, October 11-13. http://www.tropentag. de/2006/abstracts /full / 202. pdf.
2Aung Aung, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Mar Mar Kyi, Tin Ngwe and Ni Ni Maw (2006). Investigation on the effects of supplementation of chickpea husk and boiled sesame meal on the performance of growing bulls in Myanmar. In: Proceedings of conference on international agricultural research for development. University of Bonn, October 11-13. http://www. full/202.pdf.
3Ni Ni Maw, Khin San Mu, Aung Aung and Moe Thida Htun (2006). Preliminary report on nutritive value of some tree foliages locally available in Myanmar. In: Proceedings of conference on international agricultural research for development. University of Bonn,October 11-13. http://www.tropentag. de/2006/abstracts /full/ 202.pdf.
4Tin Ngwe, Khin Htay Myint, Khin San Mu, Mitani T, Ueda K and Kondo S (2007). Effect of Leucaena leucocephala and Ziziphus mauritiana, as sources of tannin on nutrients digestibility and nitrogen utilization in goats fed on rice straw diet supplemented with sesame meal (Eds. MPS Bakshi and M Wadhwa). In: Proceedings of international tropical animal nutrition conference. National Dairy Research Institute Karnal – 132001, India, October 4-7. 2: 2003.
5Myint Myint Khaing, Mar Too Nyi Bu and Tin Ngwe (2008). Effect on different rations containing different ingredients of concentrate available in Myanmar on the performance of Zebu and cross – bred Holstein Frisian heifers through in vitro gas method. In: Proceedings of the third GMSARN international conference on sustainable development: issues and prospects for the greater Mekong subregion. Uchoice hotel, Kunming, China. November 12-14.
6H Bohnel and A Aung (2009). Selection and production of bacteria which detoxify mimosine: leucaena leaves may be used as ruminant feed. In: Proceedings of FAO/IAEA international symposium on sustainable improvement of animal production and health. Vienna, Australia. June 8-11. pp. 186-187.
7KH Myint, KS Mu, TM Soe, NN Maw, LT Ming Gawng and T Ngwe (2010). Evaluation of Leucaena leucocephala and Ziziphus mauritiana as sources of tannins and their Interference with nitrogen utilisation in goats (Eds. Odongo NE, Garcia M and Viljoen GL). In: Proceedings of sustainable improvement of animal production and health.  Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome. pp. 159-165.
8A Aung, U ter Meulen, F Gessler and H Bohnel (2011). Isolation of mimosine degrading bacteria from rumen juice and mass production by Göttingen Bioreactor Technology. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology. pp. 762-772.
9Tin Ngwe, Yoko NUIKI, Shinya OYAIZU, Genki TAKAMOTO,  Satoshi KOIKE, Koichiro UEDA, Hiroki NAKATSUJI, Seiji KONDO and Yasuo KOBAYASHI (2012). Bean husks as a supplemental fiber for ruminants: Potential use for activation of fibrolytic rumen bacteria to improve main forage digestion. Animal Science Journal. 83: 43-49.
10Ryosuke FUMA, Shinya OYAIZU, Yoko NUKUI, Tin NGWE, Takumi SHINKAI, Satoshi KOIKE and Yasuo KOBAYASHI (2012). Use of bean husks as an easily digestible fiber source for activating the fibrolytic rumen bacterium fibrobacter succinogenes and rice straw digestion. Animal Science Journal. 83: 696-703.
11A AUNG, U TER MEULEN, F GESSLER and H BOHNEL (2013). Development, isolation and characterization of a new non – virulent mimosine – degrading Klebsiella pneumoniae strain from the rumen liquor of German steers by using IBT- Göttingen bioreactor. Tropical Grassland – Forrajes Tropicales. 1: 45-47.
12Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Mar Mar Kyi and Tin Ngwe (2013). Development of leucaena mimosine – degrading bacteria in the rumen of sheep in Myanmar. Tropical Grassland – Forrajes Tropicales. 1: 48-49.
13LN Oo, M Aung, SM Thein, MT Htun, KS Mu and A Aung (2014). Effect of diets containing different proportions of roughages and concentrate on nutritive value, in vitro gas production and methane production. In: Proceedings of the 30th biennial conference of the Australian Society of Animal Production. National Convention Centre, Canberra, Australia. September 8-12. 30: 307.
14Khin Htay Myint , Aung Aung, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Min Aung and Tin Ngwe (2014). Effect of tannin – containing tamarind seed meal and Leucaena leucocephala on gas production of diets. In: Proceedings of the 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress. Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. November 10-14. 2: 1727.
15Soe Min Thein, Aung Aung, Kyaw Naing Oo, Nan Kham Hline, Win Myint Thein, Lwin Naing Oo, Zin Min Latt, Tu Tu Zaw Win, Jenny Hanks and Werner Stur (2014). Assessment of feed availability for cattle, sheep and goats in two villages in the central dry zone of Myanmar. In: Proceedings of the 16th AAAP Animal Science Congress. Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. November 10-14. 2: 915-918.
16Jue Jue, Nang Kham Hline, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Soe Min Thein, Dezin Soe Lwin, Jenny Hanks, Ganda Nakamanee, Werner Stuer  and Aung Aung (2015). Evaluation of tropical herbaceous legumes for drought resistance in Myanmar. In: Proceedings of 23rd international grassland congress. New Delhi, India. November 20-24. pp. 1130.
17Nang Kham Hline, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Soe Min Thein, Dezin Soe Lwin, Jue Jue, Aung Aung, Jenny Hanks , Werner Stuer  and Ganda Nakamanee  (2015). Selection of suitable varieties of grasses for Myanmar (Eds. AK Roy, RV Kumar, SK Mahanta, MM Das, RK Agrawal, JB Singh, KK Dwivedi and G prabhu). In: Proceedings of 23rd international grassland congress. New Delhi, India. November 20-24. pp. 989.
18Min Aung, Yin Yin Kyawt, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Aung Aung (2015). Effect of Inclusion of Albizia saman pods in the diet on the performances of dairy cows. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences.
19Min Aung, Myo Khaing, Tin Ngwe, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo and Aung Aung (2015). Preliminary survey on the dairy cattle production system and conventional feed resources in the central dry zone of Myanmar. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research. 3: 383-375.
20Min Aung, Yin Yin Kyawt, Myo Khaing, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo and Aung Aung (2015). Nutritional evaluation of conventional feedstuffs for ruminants using in vitro gas production technique. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research. 3: 518-523.
21Myo Khaing, Min Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu, Aung Aung and Tin Ngwe (2015). Effect of Madhuca seedcake replacement in concentrate mixture on digestibility and nitrogen utilization of goat. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research. 3: 603-608.
22Min Aung, Yin Yin Kyawt, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Aung Aung (2015). In situ nutrient degradation of conventional diets commonly fed to dairy cows in central Myanmar. Journal of Aridland Agriculture. 1: 36-42.
23Min Aung, Myo Khaing, Tin Ngwe, Khin San Mu, Lwin Naing Oo and Aung Aung (2015). Preliminary survey on the dairy cattle production system and conventional feed resources in the central dry zone of Myanmar. Global Journal of Animal Scientific Research. 3: 383-387.
24Min Aung, Yin Yin Kyawt, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Aung Aung (2016). Feeding values of conventional diets and their effects on the performance of dairy cows in central Myanmar. Journal of Applied and Advance Research. 1: 1-7.
25Min Aung, Yin Yin Kyawt, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Aung Aung (2016). In vitro fermentation of conventional diets commonly fed to dairy cows in central Myanmar. Journal of Applied and Advance Research. 1: 8-15.
26Myo Khaing, Min Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu, Aung Aung and Tin Ngwe (2016). Effect of leucaena forage and silage substitution in concentrates on digestibility, nitrogen utilization dairy cows.  Journal of Applied and Advance Research. 1: 37-43.
27Soe Min Thein, Min Aung, Lwin Naing Oo, Moe Thidar Htun, Khin San Mu, Jenny E. Hanks, Werner W. Stur, Dennis P. Poppi and Aung Aung (2017). Comparisons on nutritive values of local and introduced forages and feed mixture for ruminant feed in central dry zone of Myanmar. Journal of Scientific Agriculture. 1: 209-215.
28Myint H, Kishi H, Koike S and Kobayashi Y (2017): Effect of chickpea husk dietary     supplementation on blood and cecal parameters in rats. Animal Science Journal. 88: 372- 378.
29Myint H, Lwahashi Y, Koike S and Kobayashi Y (2017): Effect of soybean husk supplementation on the fecal fermentation metabolites and microbiota of dogs. Animal Science Journal. 88: 1730- 1736.
30Myint H, Kishi H, Lwahashi Y, Suzuki Y, Koike S and Kobayashi Y (2017): Bean husks, an agricultural by-product having functionality in animal nutrition and health. Proceedings of Japaneses Society for Animal Nutrition and Metabolism. 61:13-19.
31Myint H, Kishi H, Iwahashi Y, Saburi W, Koike S and Kobayashi Y (2018): Functional modulation of caecal fermentation and microbiota in rats by feeding bean husk as a dietary fiber supplement. Beneficial microbes. DOI10.3920/BN2017.0174.

Papers published in Myanmar

1Tin Ngwe, Mar Mar Kyi, Cho Cho Thein and Zaw Win Maung (1993). Effect of level of rice bran on voluntary intake of rice straw anddigestibility of rice straw diet in growing bulls. Myanmar J. Agri. Sci. 5(1): 65-75.
2Tin Ngwe, Mar Mar Kyi, Cho Cho Thein and Zaw Win Maung (1993). Effect of groundnut meal or sesame meal with or without chickpea (Cicerarietinum) husk on voluntary intake of rice straw and digestibility of rice straw diet in growing bulls. Myanmar J. Agri. Sci. 5(2): 83-89.
3Tin Ngwe, Mar Mar Kyi, Aung Aung and Ni Ni Maw (2000). Effect of heat-treated sesame meal on voluntary intake of rice straw diet and nitrogen balance in growing bulls. In: Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on April 3-5, 2000 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. pp. 145-156.
4Tin Ngwe, San Thein, Mar Mar Kyi and Ni Ni Maw (2001). Sugar cane bagasse as the roughage in blended ration for growing bulls in Myanmar.In:Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on May 4-6, 2001 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. pp. 192-204.
5Aung Aung, Khin San Mu, Mar Mar Kyi, Tin Ngwe and Ni Ni Maw (2001). Effect of combination of untreated or heat-treated sesame meal and two rates of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) husk to supplement urea-treated rice straw for growing bulls. In: Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on May 4-6, 2001 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences.pp. 64-83.
6Ni Ni Maw (2001). A study on the effect of cortisone and highly potent analogues in cattle with special reference to ketosis therapy. Journal Myanmar Academy. pp. 144-162.
7Khin San Mu, Aung Aung, Mar Mar Kyi, Tin Ngwe and Ni Ni Maw (2002). Studies on the physiological responses on growing bulls fed on urea-treated rice straw with untreated or heatt-treaed sesame meal and two rates of chickpea (Cierarietinm) husk. In: Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon onJune 28-30, 2002 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. pp. 155-167.
8Ni Ni Maw, Khin San Mu, Aung Aung and Moe Thida Htun (2002). Prelimary report on nutritive value of tree foliages available in Yezin area. In: Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on June 28-30, 2002 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. pp. 202-212.
9Tin Ngwe, Nukui Y, Kobayashi Y, Nakatsuji H, Kondo S and Okubo M (2003). Effect of chickpea husk, as a source of easily digestible fibre on in vitro and in vivo digestion of rice straw. In: Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon onDecember 10-12, 2003 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. pp. 52-78.
10Ni Ni Maw, San Thein, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Tin Ngwe (2003). Evaluation on the nutritive value of sugarcane bagasse ammoniated with different levels of urea in cows. . In: Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on December 10-12, 2003 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. pp. 107-119.
11Moe Thida Htun, Tin Ngwe and Ni Ni Maw (2003). The study of laying performance and physiological values following vitamin loading in pullets. . In: Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on December 10-12, 2003 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. pp. 163-175.
12Tin Ngwe, Kobayashi Y and Kondo S (2005). Effect of lablab bean (Dolichos lablab) husk as an alternative source of easily digestible fibre in compared with chickpea (Cicerarietinum) husk on rice straw digestion and ruminal characteristics in sheep. . In: Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on December 7-8, 2005 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. pp. 160-189.
13Khin San Mu, Upoor, Krishnamoorth and Kailas M.M (2005). Effect of incorporating tamarind seed husk in the diets of cross-bred calve on dry matter intake, digestibility of nutrients, nitrogen balance and growth performance. Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on Decembet 7-8, 2005 (livestock and Fishery Science). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Science August, 2005, Yangon, Myanmar. Pp. 44-57.
14Khin Htay Myint, Khin San Mu, Tin Maung Soe, Ni Ni Maw and Tin Ngwe (2006).The effect of Leucaena leucocephala and ziziphus mauritiana as sources of tannin, on the digestibility and nitrogen utilization in goat. Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on May 25-27, 2006 (livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. May, 2006, Yangon, Myanmar. Pp. 68-87.
15Ni Ni Maw, Khin San Mu, Khin Htay Myint and Tin Ngwe (2006). In situ degradation study of organic matter and crude protein of some tree foliages in the rumen of fistulated bull. Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on May 25-27, 2006 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. May, 2006, Yangon, Myanmar. Pp. 54-67.
16Tin Ngwe, Khin Htay Myint, Tin Maung Soe and Khin San Mu (2006). Effect of feeding frequency of leucaena leucocephala, as a source of easily digestible fibre, on nutrients digestibility and nitrogen utilization of rice straw diet fed to goat. Journal of the annual research conference held in Yangon on May 25-27, 2006 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. May, 2006, Yangon, Myanmar.
17Tin Ngwe, Aye Aye Khaing, Myo Kywe, Khin San Mu and Mar Mar Kyi (2008). Evluatioin of elephant grass (Pennisetumpurpureumc.v marker) quality through in vitro gas production using rumen inoculum of fistulated bull. Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on July 25-26, 2008 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. Nay Pyi Taw, Yezin, Myanmar. Pp. 141-156.
18Tin Maung Soe, Khin San Mu and Tin Ngwe (2008). Effects of groundnut and black gram residues on in situ degradation of rice straw and wheat straw based diets.Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on July 25-26, 2008 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences.Nay Pyi Taw, Yezin, Myanmar. Pp. 176-190.
19Zaw Lin, Aye Min New, Aung Aung, Tin Tin Myaing and Tin Ngwe (2008). The study of fermentation characteristics and in vitro gas production of leucaena silage.Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on July 25-26, 2008 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences.Nay Pyi Taw, Yezin, Myanmar. Pp. 74-88.
20Aung Aung, Tin Ngwe, Udo ter Meulen and Helge Bohnel (2008).The successful control of leucaena (Bawzagaing) toxicosis in Myanmar sheep with freeze-dried IBT-Goettinger Bioreactor grown Syngestesjonesii.Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Yangon on July 25-26, 2008 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences.Nay Pyi Taw, Yezin, Myanmar. Pp. 116-140.
21Myo Min, Aung Aung, Nwe New Htin, Khin San Mu and Tin Ngwe (2009). Effect of supplementation of high concentrates for improving milk production in cross-bred Holstein Friesian lactating cows fed on urea-treated rice straw based diet. Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Nay Pyi Taw on December, 2009 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. Nay Pyi Taw, Yezin, Myanmar( On Press).
22Naw Re Say Ber, Moe Thida Htun, Khin Hnin Swe, Mar Mar Kyi and Tin Ngwe (2009). The effects of brewers’ spent grains and pineapple peels as additives on silage making process of summer rice straw. Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Nay Pyi Taw on December, 2009 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. Nay Pyi Taw, Yezin, Myanmar ( On Press).
23Tin Maung Soe, Mar Ma Kyi, Aung Aung, Nwe Nwe Htin, Khin Thida Khaing and Tin Ngwe (2009). Digestibility, nitrogen utilization and milk yield of cross-bred Holstein Friesian lactating cows fed on formualated urea-treated rice straw based diets. Proceedings of the annual research conference held in Nay Pyi Taw on December, 2009 (Livestock and Fishery Sciences). Myanmar Academy of Agricultural, Forestry, Livestock and Fishery Sciences. Nay Pyi Taw, Yezin, Myanmar ( On Press).
24Mar Mar Kyi, Tin Ngwe, Zaw Win Maung and Ni Ni Maw (2000): Some Physiological responses of growing bulls to rice straw diet supplemented with groundnut meal and sesame meal with or without chickpea (Cicer Arietinum)husk. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 12-17.
25Tin Ngwe, Nukui Y, Kobayashi Y, Nakatsujin H, Kondo S and Kato T (2004): Effects of chickpea (Cicer Arietinum)husk with or without polyethylene glycol and detannined chickpea husk on in vitro fibre digestion of rice straw diet. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 31-42.
26Tin Ngwe, Nukui Y, Kobayashi Y, Nakatsujin H, Kondo S and Kato T (2005): Effects of Lablab bean (Dolichos lablab)husk and (Cicer Arietinum)husk, as tannin sources, on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen utilization in sheep. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 35-42.
27Tin Ngwe, Ye Htun Win, Khin San Mu and Ni Ni Maw (2006): Preliminary survey on dairy production in Tapei village, Kyauk Sei District, with special reference to the nutritional requirement. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 31-47.
28Moe Moe Khaing, Tin Ngwe, Khin San Mu and Ni Ni Maw( 2006): Effect of partial replacement of urea molasses block, as source of non protein nitrogen, on digestibility and nitrogen utilization in goat fed rice straw based diet supplemented with leucaena leaves. . Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 15-22.
29Khin Htay Myint, Khin San Mu, Tin Maung Soe, Ni Ni Maw and Tin Ngwe (2006): In situ nylon bag study of the effect of leucaena leucocephala and ziziphus mauritiana as source of tannin on protein degradation. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 7-14.
30Tin Ngwe, Tin Maung Soe and Khin San Mu (2007): Preliminary report of chemical compositions of feedstuff commonly fed draft cattle in myingyan District. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 88-95.
31Tin Maung Soe, Khin San Mu and Tin Ngwe (2007): Effect  of groundnut, black gram and green gram residues on intake, digestibility and nitrogen utilization as supplement in goat fed on rice straw. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 8-18.
32Tin Ngwe, Tin Maung Soe and Khin San Mu (2008): The study on the associative effects of groundnut, black gram and green gram residues on rice straw by in vitro gas analysis method. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 75-83.
33Aung Aung, Tin Ngwe, Udo ter Meulen and Helge Bohnel (2008): An attempt to control memosine toxicity in Myanmar sheep using freeze-dried IBT- Gottinger Bioreactor grown Synergestes jonesii. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 105-110.
34Tin Maung Soe, Khin San Mu, Aung Aung, Nwe Nwe Htin and Tin Ngwe (2008): The study on the milk production in cross-bred Holstein Friesian lactating cows with the special reference of nutritional requirement in Myanmar. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 85-93.
35Tin Ngwe, Khin San Mu, Zaw Lin, Htun Min and Sein Maung Maung(2009): Effect of tannin included in leucaena leucocephala on different concentrates through the in virto gas production. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 19-30.
36Htun Min, Mar Mar Kyi, Aung Aung, Tin Tin Myaing and Tin Ngwe (2009). Study on nutritive values and in vitro gas production of Trichoderma-treated rice straw. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 73-84.
37Zaw Lin, Aye Min Ngwe, Aung Aung, Tin Tin Myaing and Tin Ngwe (2009): Study of fermentation  and in vitro gas production of maize silage comparison with grass silage. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 103-112.
38Tin Maung Soe, Mar Mar Kyi, Aung Aung, Nwe Nwe Htin and Tin Ngwe (2009): Effect of replacement of urea treated rice straw on digestibility, nutrient utilization  and milk yield in cross-bred Holstein Friesian lactating cows. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 95-102.
39Sein Maung Maung, Khin San Mu, Mar Mar Kyi, , Nwe Nwe Htin and Tin Ngwe (2009): Effect of replacement of urea treated rice straw on digestibility, nutrient utilization  and milk compositions of  Holstein Friesian lactating cows fed with high concentrate. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 13-18.
40Aye Min Nwe, Zaw Lin, Aung Aung, Mar Mar Kyi and Tin Ngwe (2009): Effect of synchronization of protein and energy on the fibre digestion in the rumen of fistulated bull fed on rice straw supplemented with sunflower seed cake or cotton seed cake. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 85-94.
41Aung Aung, Udo ter Meuulen, Tin Ngwe and Helge Bdhnel (2009). Leucaenatoxicosis and its control in Myanmar sheep using immonilized IBT-Goettinger Bioreactor grown Synergestiesjonesii. Myanmar Veterinary Journal. pp. 113-120.
42Mon Mon Soe, Wink Phyo Thu, Swe Swe Win, Aung Aung, Mar Mar Kyi and Tin Ngwe (2009). Tannin concentration in tree foliages affected by seasonal changes in different regions in Myanmar. In: Proceedings of annual conference of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, November 7-8.
43Myo Min, AungAung, Nwe Nwe Htin and Tin Ngwe (2009). Effect of tamarind seeds as a source of tannin on digestibility, nitrogen retention and milk yield of cross-bred Holstein Friesian lactating cows fed on urea-treated rice straw based diets.In: Proceedings of annual conference of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, November 7-8.
44Naw Re Say Ber, Moe Thida Htun, Khin Hnin Swe, Mar Mar Kyi and Tin Ngwe (2009). The effects of brewers’ spent grains and pineapple peels as additives on silage making process of grass and groundnut fodder. In: Proceedings of annual conference of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, November 7-8.
45Wink Phyo Thu, Swe Swe Win, Aung San Win, Aung Aung and Tin Ngwe (2009). The effect of ensiling on the content of tannin in Leucaenaleucocephala. In: Proceedings of annual conference of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, November 7-8.
46Tin Ngwe, Tin Tun Aung, Ko Ko Latt, Wan Tukn and Khin San Mu (2009). The study of nutritive alues of nine feedstuff foraged by the captive elephant through in vitro gas method in Myanmar. In: Proceedings of annual conference of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, November 7-8.
47Aung San Win, Moe Thida Htun, Mar Mar Kyi, Khin Hnin Swe and Tin Ngwe (2011): Comparison of the in vitro gas production of Trichoderma-treated rice straw with Urea treated rice straw. Proceeding of annual conference of MyanmarVeterinary Association, Mandalay, December, 2011.
48Min Aung, Tin Ngwe, Aung Aung, Khin Hnin Swe, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo and Mar Mar Kyi (2013): In vitro gas production and its prediction on dry matter and organic matter digestibility and methane production of Albiziasamam pods partially replaced in commercial concentrate. Proceeding of annual conference of MyanmarVeterinary Association, Mandalay, March, 2013.
49Aung Aung, Min Aung, Soe Min Thein , Lwin Naing Oo, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Tin Ngwe (2014): Preliminary report on the chemical composition of ProsopisJuliflora pods. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, February, 2014.
50Kyaw Yan Naing Tun, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Pyae Phyo Aung, Tin Ngwe and Khin San Mu. (2014): Effect of the partial replacement of Albiziasaman pods for concentrates on protein degradation and energy protein synchronization of diets through in situ methods. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, February, 2014.
51Min Aung, Lwin Naing Oo, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu, Aung Aung and Tin Ngwe (2014): Different levels of Albizia saman pods in diet and its effects on the estimation of methane concentration and rates of reduction. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, February, 2014.
52Myo Khaing, Lwin Naing Oo, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu, Aung Aung and Tin Ngwe (2014): Effect of partial replacement of Leucaena forage and silage on digestibility, nitrogen utilization, milk yield in lactating cows fed on urea treated rice straw based diets. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, February, 2014.
53Naing Htun Aung, Aung Aung, Khin San Mu, Hnin Yi Soe and Nwe Nwe Htin (2014): Effect of different levels of cotton seeds meal on carcass yields, abdominal fat pad and crude protein and crude fat content of breast and thigh meat and boiler chicks, Northern Shan State, Lashio. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, February, 2014.
54Pyae Phyo Aung, Khin San Mu, Lwin Naing Oo, Moe Thida Htun, Tin Ngwe and Aung Aung (2014): Fermentation characteristics and in vitro gas production of Leucaena and Gliricidia silage added maize. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, February, 2014.
55Lwin Naing Oo, Soe Min Thein, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu, Aung Aung and Tin Ngwe (2014): Effect of different proportion of conventional feedstuffs in diets on in vitro gas production and methane production. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, February, 2014.
56Aung Aung, Lwin Naing Oo, Sandi Myint Oo, Thant Nyi Lin and Than Myint (2014): Activities of Veterinary Emergency Response Unit (VERU) Team, University of Veterinary Science: Saving the animal’s life. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, February, 2014.
57Khin San Mu, Azhar K and Aini I (2014): Effects of Asuia 279 phytase at graded levels on performance of broiler chickens. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, February, 2014.
58Chit San Win, Khing Hnin Htet, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu, Lwin Naing Oo and Aung Aung (2015): Effects of Mesquite pods supplementation on performance of goats fed on urea treated rice straw.Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, December, 2015.
59Khaing Hnin Htet, Chit San Win, Su Zin Mar Nyein, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo and Khin San Mu (2015): Effects of different ratios of Leucaena leaf meal and Albizia saman pods on gas production and methane emission through in vitro method. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, December, 2015.
60Khin Htay Myint, Aung Aung, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Soe Min Thein and Tin Ngwe (2015): Effects of tannin containg leave and Tamarind seed meal on protein degradation and energy protein synchronization of diets through in situ method. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, December, 2015.
61Ei Ei Win Maug, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Soe Min Thein and Khin San Mu (2015): Supplementation of Moringa Oleifera leaf meal as protein source on haematological responses and growth performance in broiler. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, December, 2015.
62Naing Htun Aung, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Pyae Phyo Aung, Kyaw Yan Naing Htun and Khin San Mu (2015): Effect of different levels of leucaena leaf meal supplementation on performances and apparent digestibility in male broilers. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon, December, 2015.
63Aye Myat Thu, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Lwin Naing Oo (2015): Total gas and methane gas production from Urea-treated crop residues through in vitro gas method. Proceeding of first international conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
64Su Su Hlaing, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Soe Min Thein and Khin San Mu (2015): Supplementation of Moringa Oleifera leaf meal on nutrient retention and growth performance in broiler. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
65Pyae Phyo Aung, Kyaw Yan Naing Tun, Naing Htun Aung, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo and Aung Aung (2015): The study of nutritive values and in vitro gas production of different levels of concentrate supplemented to different maturation stages of Napier grass. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
66Kyaw Yan Naing Tun, Lwin Naing Oo, Naing Htun Aung, Pyae Phyo Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Aung Aung (2015): Effect of different levels of Albiziasaman pod in concentrate of urea treated maize stover diet through in vitro gas production method. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
67Shwe Sin Win, Aung Htet Myat, Aung Aung, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Simon Quigley, Dennis Poppi and Lwin Naing Oo (2015): Effect of calf supplementation during the dry season on live-weight, body condition score, milk yield and haematological parameters of mother cows. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
68Nan Thida Aye, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Soe Min Thein and AungAung (2015): Effect of diet supplemented with Cassava life meal on haematological reponses of goats. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
69Hitalar San, Kyaw Yan Naing Tun, Min Aung, Soe Min Thein, Lwin Naing Oo, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Aung Aung (2015): Survey on the feeds and feeding strategies of draught cattle during the dry season in Southern Nay Pyi Taw. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
70Kyaw Min Htay, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Tin Ngwe and Khin San Mu (2015): Effects of different levels of Lablab Bean Husk (Dolichos Lablab) Supplementation on Digestibility and Nitrogen Retention of Goats. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
71Win Ko, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Lwin Naing Oo, Soe Min Thein and Khin San Mu (2015): Effect of fermented juice of epiphytic lactic acid bacteria on the fermentative quality and nutritive values of ensiled Napier grass. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
72Nang Ni Ni Lynn, Aung Aung, Moe Thida Htun, Khin San Mu and Lwin Naing Oo (2015): Effect of Urea Levels on Methane production of Maize and Sorghum Stover through in vitro gas method. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
73Aung Htet Myat, Shwe Sin Win, Khin San Mu, Lwin Naing Oo, Moe Thida Htun, Simon Quigley, Dennis Poppi and Aung Aung (2015): Response of pre-weaned calves to dry season supplementation. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
74Ei Mon Nyein, Khin San Mu, Simon Quigley, Moe Thida Htun, Soe Min Thein, Lwin Naing Oo, Dennis Poppi and Aung Aung (2015): Body condition score and live-weight changes of native cows in the dry and wet seasons at dry zone area in Myanmar. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
75Ya Min, Soe Min Thein, Aung Aung, Khin San Mu, Moe Thida Htun, Angus Campbell and Lwin Naing Oo (2015): Body condition score and live-weight changes of native cows in the dry and wet seasons at dry zone area in Myanmar. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.
76Pyae Phyo Aung, Aung Aung, Khin San Mu, Lwin Naing Oo, Moe Thida Htun, Kyaw Yan Naing Tun and Naing Htun Aung (2015): The nutritive values of different maturation stages of Napier grass at Nay Pyi Taw (Mya Sein Yaung Farm) in dry season. Proceeding of first intrenational conference and annual meeting of Myanmar Veterinary Association, Yangon December, 2015.